Motivational Quotes
I was just going through an old folder and stumbled on some quotes I had written down. They kind of spoke to me at the time I saw them...
Jason Statham, Street Pitch Man
I'm a fan of Jason Statham. Yes, in all his movies he typically plays the same role but you always know what your going to get....action....
Look em In The Eyes Dummy
When I started in my first true (hey, I was always selling something, this was just an official position) sales position 16 years ago I...
What Motivates The Customer?
A few days ago I wrote about what motivates you. That's only the first step, now you need to figure out how to determine what motivates...
What Motivates You?
In individual sales and as a sales manager you have to find out what truly motivates you and or your team. It's different for everyone; ...
The Power Of A Thank You
I left my former employer over three years ago to co-found a start up. Although I left on good terms, it's always weird when you...
Tablet GPS Saves The Day
Some reps take issue with a GPS in a company issued tablet. From a management and business perspective, it is needed to track employee...
It's All About Your Pipeline
Having a huge month or getting lucky and blowing your load closing a few deals early is a great problem to have and while you are out...
Sales Is A Numbers Game
Sales is a numbers game. I don't mean the more sales you make, the more money you make....that's obvious. I'm talking about how many...
Always Have A Goal When Cold Calling
When you are banging out calls (or trying to muster the courage to) to your sales prospects, what is your goal while doing so? If you...